Daily Prompt: Audience of One (I’ve Been Waiting)


How are you? What have you been doing lately? It’s been ages! I’m missing you! When are you coming back? I couldn’t find anyone to play tennis, go mountain biking or camping with. Everyone seems so busy or lazy! Remember the time I skidded of the bike trail and injured myself? Man, that was embarrassing! Again, thanks for giving me a shoulder to hang on to while we walked back to camp. We shall go camping first thing’s first when you come back!

I’m currently reading this amazing book called ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ by Elizabeth Gilbert. Are you reading anything? I’ll let you read mine once I finish it. AND you should let me read yours too, whatever you are reading. Also, we must visit Italy! It sounds like an absolutely exciting place! We shall go there for the architecture, the art, the pizza, the food, the people, the language, the history, the culture and the gelato. Oh my god… The gelato.

I also just started writing a blog! Since you left, I needed someplace or someone as an outlet for deep and serious thoughts. I miss those sleepovers during our childhood days when we talked and talked late into the night. The most profound thing you ever said during those days was that the Boogieman does not exist because Boogieman sounds like booger, and booger belongs in our noses, not under our beds. You completely convinced me then! But anyway, I’ll let you know my blog address in my next letter, when I’ve written enough to not bore you!

And last but not least, when will you take a look at my sick design and help print it off on a shirt? I need to put the blame on someone if something goes wrong, and I think you’ll make the best candidate! Haha! Just kidding! I want to make sure we are the first ones to wear it before selling it to everyone else.

There’s so many other things I want to do with you! I hope you reply as soon as you get this! If you can’t write back, give me a sign… Anything! Let me know you’re somewhere out there!

I’ve been looking, I’ve been waiting for twenty years. When will I finally find you?

Your future bestfriend

This my response to this Daily Prompt:
Picture the one person in the world you really wish were reading your blog. Write her or him a letter.

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